my response
Christopher tm at
Sat Mar 4 15:31:27 EST 2006
Pay-to-Play is a shitty idea in any city.
On 3/4/06, TERROR FIRMA SKY <terror_firma_sky at> wrote:
> --- Matt Condon <arcane93 at> wrote:
> > One suggestion that might help attendance for local openers and
> > such --
> >
> > Down here in DC, several venues give their local openers advance
> > tickets
> > to sell.
> > So, why not do something similar? Make up advance tickets, give
> > them to
> > the bands to sell at Ceremony, other shows, and such. Put it more
> > in
> > the hands of the bands to get people to come out, and less in the
> > hands
> > of the apathy that tends to hit people when the day of the show
> > comes
> > around. Sure, it's a bit more of a pain to deal with, but if it
> > increases your attendance and sales enough, it might be worth it.
> Well, Distortion Production does this and though it works to some
> extent, most people's friends give them excuses for not buying the
> tickets. Then they say they'll just buy them at the door the day of
> the show and then they don't even come. The level of apathy in
> Pittsburgh is to the point that musicians own friends don't even
> support them, and that's one of the most disappointing things of
> all.
> "I just wanted to kick it . . . one time . . . signed, a ghost"
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Christopher tm
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