my response

TERROR FIRMA SKY terror_firma_sky at
Sat Mar 4 11:58:40 EST 2006

--- Matt Condon <arcane93 at> wrote:

> One suggestion that might help attendance for local openers and
> such --
> Down here in DC, several venues give their local openers advance
> tickets 
> to sell.  
> So, why not do something similar?  Make up advance tickets, give
> them to 
> the bands to sell at Ceremony, other shows, and such.  Put it more
> in 
> the hands of the bands to get people to come out, and less in the
> hands 
> of the apathy that tends to hit people when the day of the show
> comes 
> around.  Sure, it's a bit more of a pain to deal with, but if it 
> increases your attendance and sales enough, it might be worth it.

Well, Distortion Production does this and though it works to some
extent, most people's friends give them excuses for not buying the
tickets. Then they say they'll just buy them at the door the day of
the show and then they don't even come. The level of apathy in
Pittsburgh is to the point that musicians own friends don't even
support them, and that's one of the most disappointing things of

"I just wanted to kick it . . . one time . . . signed, a ghost"

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