ultra lounging (was re: some digest thing)
Ancilla Sea-Maid
ancilla6 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 12:25:29 EDT 2006
I haven't seen the inside yet, but a new "ultra
lounge" just opened up in the south side this past
weekend, called Elixir. sounds pretty cushy. my
favourite local non-spooky DJ spins there on Fridays.
I don't know if they're still booking nights, but
someone might do well to call them up and see if they
want to do an experimental night. it's worth a try if
this is something one is passionate about.
just curious: is this the first venue to be billed as
an "ultra lounge" in pittsburgh? i've seen them all
over Vegas, and I thought the idea was cute, if not a
bit contrived. it seems like it's mostly a reason to
charge you $4 more per each drink. heh.
- t
--- Christopher tm <xopher.tm at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6/12/06, j eric townsend <jet at flatline.net>
> wrote:
> > I'm also the guy who'd rather have a darkambient
> futurist bar with stuff like Coil and Squaremeter
> and Ulf Soderberg droning in the background...
> >
> > Hey, is there one of these anywhere around?
> I have begged - literally begged - a few of the
> smaller locales to let
> me try something like this. Response runs along the
> lines of "Why the
> eff would anyone want THAT?"
> *shrug* Good luck.
> Could be done at the GA, but the point is I wanted
> to do something of
> a blackambientlounge, keyword: LOUNGE - cushy seats,
> table service,
> upscale over boho. Would've never lasted, I know,
> but would have been
> fun.
> Hell, would've worked at Ray's if a) I would have
> been allowed to use
> the upper floor instead of the bar...
> Again, *shrug* Good luck.
> --
> Christopher tm
> You're wondering who I am - machine or mannequin
> With parts made in Japan, I am the modren man
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