pgh-goth-list Digest, Vol 34, Issue 9

Christopher tm at
Mon Jun 12 11:56:04 EDT 2006

On 6/12/06, j eric townsend <jet at> wrote:
> I'm also the guy who'd rather have a darkambient futurist bar with stuff like Coil and Squaremeter and Ulf Soderberg droning in the background...
> Hey, is there one of these anywhere around?

I have begged - literally begged - a few of the smaller locales to let
me try something like this. Response runs along the lines of "Why the
eff would anyone want THAT?"

*shrug* Good luck.

Could be done at the GA, but the point is I wanted to do something of
a blackambientlounge, keyword: LOUNGE - cushy seats, table service,
upscale over boho. Would've never lasted, I know, but would have been

Hell, would've worked at Ray's if a) I would have been allowed to use
the upper floor instead of the bar...

Again, *shrug* Good luck.
Christopher tm

You're wondering who I am - machine or mannequin
With parts made in Japan, I am the modren man

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