GirlTalk video

Christopher tm at
Wed Oct 22 21:50:45 EDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:40 PM,  <manny at> wrote:

> 1) no one forced you to watch all the way thru

No. Sadly, I was waiting for him to, you know, do something.

> 2) video has 60,000 more views than any video you've made.

At least some of whom were waiting for him to, you know, do something.
There could be a million views, I would still say "Yes, and...?" He's
pressing "Play" and (occasionally) fiddling with his mix. He may make
a hell of a mix tape (and sure it sounds like a bunch of dancey fun),
but, yeah... watching a DJ play records is watching a DJ play records.
He's entertaining people and he's apparently having some success at it
so more power to him, but I just watched a guy jump up and down next
to his laptop for five minutes. I don't want to get into a discussion
of what does or does not constitute "art" - not my place to dictate
and I prefer a very wide open definition thereof anyway - but while
GirlTalk's recorded output may be art, his live performance may not
be. Bottom line: The crowd at GirlTalk's show knew what they were
getting when they paid to see him. Not being familiar with his work, I
was not inspired by the video to seek him out. If he's ever playing in
town when I am in the mood for such I would certainly keep him in
mind, but it's not really my thing especially these days. On the
flipside, on a whim I saw Sunn O))) last year. Some (many) would argue
that what they do is not music per se, but their live performance was
the closest thing I have ever had to an actual religious experience.

Horrifying alternate response to "video has 60,000 more views than any
video you've made": Obviously, you're not familiar with my porn
career. (The ten remaining gothlisters just cried out in terror and
were suddenly silenced.)


> 3) seen any laptop electronic performances? if not, you need a better
> frame of reference because gregg's is way more entertaining than most.

Yes, and while there are a great many worth listening to, few are
really worth watching. For me. I don't presume to speak to any one
else's preferences.

Note: I'm on a new painkiller tonight so, while I have reread this
email twice, I am not positive that the words on the screen actually
mean what I want them to. Bear with me.


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