
Michael J. Salo salo at
Thu Mar 13 15:38:34 EDT 2008

I just have to chime in with a small note about the sad news about Howard.

It's been a while but I have fond memories of seeing Howard out all the 
time in Pittsburgh, and then later on again in San Francisco.

He was such a friendly, agreeable kind of guy, pretty much every time I 
ever encountered him.

He seemed to have his own, amazing way of harmonizing with the world and 
everybody in it.

It was impossible not to get along with him, and would be hard to 
imagine anybody having anything but positive things to say.

On top of his A+ personality, it was obvious he was a smart guy who was 
always destined for success and an interesting life.  I wish I would 
have known him better.

The main image I remember about Howard is him dancing all the time at 
clubs like Ceremony in Pittsburgh, and Death Guild in San Francisco.

Michael J. Salo

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