Visa delay clusterfux

Adam Rixey arixey at
Thu Sep 6 11:30:44 EDT 2007

As an exercise homework for someone with much more free time on their hands
than I, you could file an FOI request asking (a) the number of musicians who
apply for visa each, broken down by year, and (b) the number denied.  Then
you could toss those into a spreadsheet and see for yourself if there
actually is a big increase.

This will probably take a few months for you to hear anything back, but it
doesn't seem like the sort of request they can deny for being an undue
burden.  Have fun!

On 9/6/07, Jeremy <epistemology at> wrote:
> I understand the desire to blame George Bush for every inconvenience
> in American life. And I would agree that anti-terrorism paranoia has
> been way out of hand ever since 2001.
> However, this sort of problem has happened to more than a few bands in
> the past, simply because they didn't take care of the paperwork
> properly and in a timely fashion. I don't know the details of this
> latest snafu, but the fact is, nearly every country requires you to
> fill out paperwork months ahead of time if you want to work in their
> country -- even the enlightened Scandinavian countries (the ones who
> make Linux and fair-skinned fashion models) make you fill out gobs of
> paperwork nearly a year ahead of time before you go there to work. And
> if you fuck up the paperwork, they don't let you in.
> So, before we all get worked up in a frenzy and go burn down the
> Department of Homeland Security headquarters, lets find out what the
> situation really is here.
> - Jeremy
> On 9/6/07, Brian J. Parker <brian.j.parker at> wrote:
> > On 9/6/07, DennisCraigLee at <DennisCraigLee at> wrote:
> > > Same thing happened when Dr Draw was to play st clare park
> in  Greensburg
> > > August 10. They had their work visas delayed in their homeland
> of  Canada.
> > >
> > > Is the price of protection from terrorism? I've said it many times; I
> never
> > > asked for a safety this severe.
> >
> > It might just be protection from bum musicians who decide to come
> > leech off America's supple tit instead of returning home.  Because we
> > take way better care of bums than Canada does.  Unless, you know, you
> > need health care.  Or might want a grant for the arts.  Or, um...
> > FREEDOM ISN'T FREE!  NEVER FORGET!  What are you dude, some kind of
> > terrorist commie pinko?
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Adam Rixey
arixey at

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