Visa delay clusterfux

Brian J. Parker brian.j.parker at
Thu Sep 6 08:45:19 EDT 2007

On 9/6/07, DennisCraigLee at <DennisCraigLee at> wrote:
> Same thing happened when Dr Draw was to play st clare park in  Greensburg
> August 10. They had their work visas delayed in their homeland of  Canada.
> Is the price of protection from terrorism? I've said it many times; I never
> asked for a safety this severe.

It might just be protection from bum musicians who decide to come
leech off America's supple tit instead of returning home.  Because we
take way better care of bums than Canada does.  Unless, you know, you
need health care.  Or might want a grant for the arts.  Or, um...
FREEDOM ISN'T FREE!  NEVER FORGET!  What are you dude, some kind of
terrorist commie pinko?

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