rides to/from Ceremony's new location..

Chris Rapier rapier1 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 14:02:10 EST 2007

Its possible but honestly, I think Ceremony developing a relationship
with some jitney drivers will end up being more suitable for more

On 1/11/07, gwen <gwenix at gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I was thinking that the problem with Ceremony's new location is
> that people in Oakland have a harder time getting home from there (as
> the buses stop around 1am).  I'm thinking that the solution for this
> is to have a setup where people who need rides home from the club can
> find them from people going towards Oakland.  Does anyone have any
> ideas on how to make this work?
> --
> gwen.
> gamergothgeek
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