Vocal Gems

Sc'Eric (aka sc'Que) darkfin6012 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 20 01:46:40 EST 2007

Batz, that is how I find out about most shows in Pgh... on the day before (when it's too late to arrange off work) or weeks after.  

This is one major reason why I haven't been to Pgh since May 5th... the others being money and that I have to worry about whether a venue allows smoking.   With all the "scene collective" mailing lists and groups out there, it just boggles my mind that promoters' only mode of advertising is flyering AT other promoters' events.  Effectively, if I choose not to see the Raspuntina show, I miss out on hearing about 5 other shows.  That's just dumb.  I should be hearing about Pgh events in mailing lists such as PghGoth within HOURS of the bands and venue even being confirmed, whether event details like times have been nailed down or not.  

Have you ever noticed that Mordant, Manny and the Gothees are the only bands/promoters who effectively post here?   What gives with that?  I know there are relevant local musicians (who should be receiving this email) who don't bother to post here?  Why the hell not?   


Brian J. Parker wrote: 

Subject: Re: Antony (is now Vocal Gems)

This reminds me... do the Warhol have a mailing list or something for
just concerts?  I keep hearing about cool shows there, too late.  (I
am still FURIOUS about finding out Stereo Total was in Pittsburgh a
couple of weeks after the fact.)

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