Neofolk comps / Neofolk-Freakfolk crossover

Brian J. Parker brian.j.parker at
Thu Dec 13 13:28:25 EST 2007

On Dec 13, 2007 1:31 PM, Manny <manny at> wrote:
> Music can be mail ordered and/or purchased via the internet, too. That
> was what I meant: The internet makes it so easy for people to discover
> new things, especially new things that would be of crossover interest
> to them (the common phrase being 'RIYL') but most people tend instead
> to continue to bury themselves further in specialization instead, in
> the modes to which they are already accustomed.

Conversely, the internet makes it way easier to crawl up your own hole, too.

An example: in my college days, I would often browse the racks at a
music store, and occasionally pick up a CD based on the cover art.  I
ended up listening to some very different music that way.  (Not
necessarily liking it, but...)  Now, when I want new music, I have
access to a ton of specialty retailers who can offer me music
guaranteed to sound very much like the artists I'm already familiar

I'm not making value judgments either way; I'm just sayin', the door
swings both ways.


P.S. - For me, the best thing I did to increase my breadth of musical
experience was to marry someone who hates goth (but happens to be
really into music in general).

P.P.S. - I recommend dating outside your subculture to everyone.
Genetic diversity and all that.

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