Necrotic Wednesdays premieres September 5th

Mordant Productions mordant at
Fri Aug 31 21:36:51 EDT 2007

Thanks to everyone that came out to Carnivale. Because of how cool our  
scene is, we proved to Howler's that we can do all ages events that's  
exciting and safe.

Because of you, Howler's invited us back every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.  
Please forward this to everyone you know. Beg, bribe, and strongarm  
your friends to attend. You'll be doing them a favor because we've got  
an evening of great music, dancing, and titillation for you.

Let's show this town what happens when the scene comes together to party!


Party with Pittsburgh's sexiest goth, industrial, and postpunk fans.

DJ RIPpee, DJ E-Z Lou, DJ Hates You, and DJ Triceratop vivesected  
bi-monthly for your pleasure every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.

$3 over 21
$5 under 21

PREMIERE: Wednesday September 5th
     with DJ Triceratop and DJ Hates You.

Fun and debauchery provided by Miss Anthropy.

    COMPETE for Best Dressed.
Final Judgement made by DJs and Miss Anthropy.

Categories: Best Couple, Best Female, and Best Male.

Grand Prize: Year's pass to all Mordant Productions' events (expires 09/04/08)
Audience favorite: 2007 pass to Mordant Productions (expires 12/31/07)

Howler's Coyote Cafe
4509 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
(Near the Bloomfield Bridge)
Parking available at ShurSave's parking lot

    Joe Presley
  Mordant Productions

Join us for Necrotic Wednesdays, every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. An evening of
dancing and debauchery with the best goth, industrial, and postpunk music for
your enjoyment.

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