Pgh 5-0?

Jeremy David epistemology at
Wed Mar 22 17:03:09 EST 2006

It's not just you. Every single time I read a story in a newspaper
(that isn't the NY Times) about an event that I participated in, or
about a topic that I know a great deal about, there is always an
error, usually a gross one.

Remember when it was on the TV news and in local newspapers that The
Upstage had closed permanently? All you had to do was call The Upstage
and listen to their recorded message which said clearly that they were
*not* closing permanently and would  re-open in a few days. Newspapers
reported on that one for *days*, when all they had to do was actually
make one phone call to check if the "fact" that their entire story was
based on was true.

Newspapers blow.

On 3/22/06, maria <rpd_girl at> wrote:
> no, I wasn't saying that the police were inappropriate at all...
>   I'm saying that the news story was changing about every 30 seconds. 1st  they said it was a man with sandy hair in a white suite... then a man  with black hair and a beard, then a man in a steelers jacket.... he was  on top of 5th Ave Place... then a parking garage... then the PACT  building.... and they often seem to report parts of stories before  there is even a whole story. I realise it is important to get a word  out for safety, but sometimes there seem to be a lot of assumptions  just to be the 1st to report anything.
>   I have often found that "breaking news" such as this starts out with  fact... a glimmer of a headline ends up being a reporter's personal  speculation... and it's usualy just to fill up time. It's something  that is a big deal... but there isn't enought to talk about at length  yet.... so they interview or take quotes from people who have even less  information than they do.
>   After the superbowl I watched the helicopter video of people setting  things on fire in Oakland. Don Cannon (the reporter back in the  newsroom all by his lonesome) was saying "as you can see, firefighters  and heading to the fire... wait... no.... thoise are not  firefighters.... they are throwing what looks like books into the fire  to make it worse.... some students are throwing books in to the fire."  Now... it didn't seem to be books at all, but peices of boxes and  cardboard, and assumed they were students..... because they were in  Oakland? He prefaced things with "appears to be" or "what we can  assume" which I guess makes that fine, but I dunno... I was watching  the same thing, and I could assume a number of things, but I guess  thats what a "news reporter" is for. I have just noticed that "breaking  news" always seems to be so rushed and has so much inaccurate filler  that is usualy made up of speculation because they really do not have  anything else to report o
>  ther
>  then "hey, there MIGHT be a guy with a  gun downtown." But then again I guess that is a fair warning to those  out on the street down there..... at least it isn't like "schoolbus  filled with innocent children bursts in to flames..... find out more at  5." (by 5 your find out it was really in Oaklahoma and your kid is  perfectly fine and the news room lets out a big "gotcha!")
>   eh, I dunno... maybe it's just me (I almost gaurentee it's just me). I  started out as a journalisim major in college, so I guess everything  annoys me now. ;)
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