Pgh 5-0?

Christopher tm at
Wed Mar 22 16:29:37 EST 2006

On 3/22/06, maria <rpd_girl at> wrote:

> i like how the news takes the word of uncomfirmed witnesses and
> hear-say and reports it to the masses, rather then wait 15 extra
>  minutes to get the facts from authorities... because aparently some
> guy  on the street is a high-powered rifle expert over the police.

It was the police that shut down the area (I'm there (er, "here")
right now), not the media. I talked with some of the cops while all
this was going on. They got the 911 call of a sniper on a roof and
acted accordingly.

Christopher tm

Nunc est bibendum; nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus.

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