Goth Doctors?

j eric townsend jet at
Wed Mar 22 11:12:15 EST 2006

[It's not even lunch and I'm already avoiding work.]

A determining factor in the evolution of a scene is the number of "diaper-men".

In a small scene, there is only one or two Diaper-Men (Creepy Crossdresser With Only One Outfit,  Rose Guy,  Stinky Bicycle Messenger in Drag,  Hippie in a Sarong,  Agreesive Unattractive Poly Leather Person, etc) who show up at every event or venue. 

In a medium-sized scene, there are multiple Diaper-Men who tend to frequent specific venues and rarely all show up at the same event.   This at least gives you a bit of variety when you go to a new club, "Hey, an entire evening without seeing Diaper-Man!  But what's with the hippy in a sarong twirling to Du Hast?")

In a large scene, they hit critical mass,  have their own clubs and parties and you rarely have to deal with them unless you stumble into the wrong club by accident.    
jet / KG6ZVQ
jet at
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