tiempo del fumar

Jeremy David epistemology at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 16:30:46 EST 2006

On 3/16/06, maria <rpd_girl at yahoo.com> wrote:
> "Hey, me too. But unfortunately many of these places are polluted with
> toxic fumes. There are laws restricting the use of just about every
> other kind of toxic material, why not this one? Because many people
> are addicted to it, and because a handful of people are getting filthy
> rich off of it and paying off our lawmakers to make sure that it's not
> restricted like basically every other similar chemical."
> I haven't really been following along... so I prolly shouldn't comment... but I just wanna agree that they either need to get a better ventalation system, or have a smoking section at places, because I actually go out less because the smoke is so annoying (not just health, but it smells like ass and follows you home).
> Why do people still smoke?

Because smoking feels good. Smoking relieves stress. Smoking gets you
high. Smoking improves digestion. Smoking suppresses appetite. Smoking
looks cool. Smoking gives you something to do. Smoking is addictive so
that even if you want to quit, it's very very difficult. These are all
reasons why people smoke. I'm sure there are many others too.

I'm not going to pretend that everything about smoking is utterly
evil. Occasionally, I like smoking. Smoking has enhanced my life. But
lets call a spade a spade. It's toxic pollution, and should be treated
as such.

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