a c m u person trying to fuck with y server

Richard Claypool bellevue.bat at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 22:26:53 EDT 2006

that was my stupidity.

I didn't look at the end of the domain and just heard cmu.

I was wondering how this strange ip got connected to CMU.

I feel like a total dork.  well,  a parsial dork.

It used to be in the software I'm using that I couldn't access the 
ip-filtering system so it was really anoying.  I just found that in the 
latest version, they listened, and the ip filtering is accessable.  This 
hole thing caused me to look for a later version of my client.  At least 
something's come out of this.

I miss my braille display, looking at domains and such was soo much eaiser 
than with speach.


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