remix wars 2006 (was Re: under/over

Miss Joi joi_d1vision at
Sat Jun 24 17:04:26 EDT 2006

The worst request I had at Lipservice was a girl came
up to the booth and asked if I had clog dancing music.

And no, I am *not* making that up. Sadly enough, she
was serious.

Miss Joi

--- Christopher tm < at> wrote:

> On 6/23/06, j eric townsend <jet at>
> wrote:
> > Out of curiosity, do people complain when you mix
> certain types of songs or if you mix at certain
> clubs or is it just in general?
> Back in the day. Lipservice. Southside. "Play some
> Dave Matthews or
> I'm gonna kick your faggot ass."
> Kinda beside the point, I know, but that one just
> stands out as my favorite.
> -- 
> Christopher tm
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