
TERROR FIRMA SKY terror_firma_sky at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 23 12:04:31 EDT 2006

--- "Sc'Eric (dj.darkFIN)" <darkfin6012 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> And finally... I just don't understand the notion that Sisters,
> Nephilim and The Cure aren't danceable.  That's the sort of stuff
> that actually MIGHT entice me to the dance floor more often...  It
> just requires the finesse of finding the beat yourself, instead of
> one being dictated to you.  =)   Other stuff I like to hear more
> are stuff like Ah Cama-sotz, Iszoloscope, Flint Glass, This Morn'
> Omina, etc--the ethno-industrial stuff that so many djs seem
> content to ignore for some reason.  To me, that's the most
> gutteral, tribal, danceable stuff out there.

Matt(DJ Imperium) plays Nephilim, The Cure, and Sisters all the
time. I spin a lot of Ah Cama-Sotz, Iszoloscope, This Morn' Omina,
and the like. Check the playlists. 


"Hey Scotland, we don't make fun of your national heroes like The Proclaimers and the Loch Ness Monster." - Stephen Colbert

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