pgh-goth-list Digest, Vol 34, Issue 9

gwen gwenix at
Mon Jun 12 13:05:21 EDT 2006

On 6/12/06, Sc'Eric (dj.darkFIN) <darkfin6012 at> wrote:
> So, instead of Renn-Faires, how come no one ever puts together a summer-long Future Fest... where you put on funny clothes that you think looks futuristic (instead of renaissance or euro-dark ages) and folks play all manner of music that purports to have a futuristic aesthetic?  Each year they could take on a slightly different aesthetic--BladeRunner, Thunderdome, Stranger-in-a-Strange-Land, etc.

This would be the sort of theme KellyA used to put together for
various shows.  It'd be fairly easy to convince Ceremony-folk to do
something like this for a night, to see how many people drummed up
that sort of costume out of their closet.  It'd also be an excuse to
have an all-futurepop night as well.  :)

In a less helpful way, my friends had just this sort of theme for the
1999-2000 New Year's Party.  People can make the best sort of costumes
out of random shite!  Too bad I got rid of my "I made my outfit from
Sun spare parts and packaging" outfit from that one, though.


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