
Brian J. Parker brian.j.parker at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 16:58:40 EDT 2006

On 6/2/06, maria <rpd_girl at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Philly, Toronto, DC
> How do the "scenes" compare? If you were to go to a show, which would be the best bet?

As Adam said, this question can be read many ways.  If, say, I wanted
to go see Editors when they toured (which I did) badly enough to
travel to one of those three cities (which I didn't quite), I would
choose Philly because it's pretty close and easier to get around than
D.C.  Philly also enjoys a number of large events and one of the
subculture's best music stores, thanks in no small part to the efforts
of Patrick "Big Daddy Ferret" Rodgers.

D.C. probably offers a bit more variety, particularly as far as club
nights go, especially for the electronic music lover.

Toronto's scene has, I understand, been fairly weak for some time for
such a large city.  But out of the three, I'd most want to live there
(if I can afford it) although my ideas of the place might be five
years or so out-of-date.  If I could teleport into the city, it's
where I'd most want to see a show, since it's easy to get around (when
the public transit workers aren't on strike at least).

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