Thanks for Rocking!

Mordant Productions mordantproductions at
Thu Jun 1 10:00:51 EDT 2006

--- manny at wrote:

> Even if less people came overall, you could have broken even
> with half the attendance you had, as well as much less headache.

There's been a lot of people asking me if I broke even on the show. So, I'm
going to use Manny's e-mail to make a point. Pittsburgh proved, this past
Memorial Day Weekend, that you can do a medium sized goth show and be
successful. It's not really about the money. It's about the energy and enjoying
great music with people that share the dark aesthetic. If the show had gone as
planned, we would have more than broken even but we wouldn't be rich by any
stretch of the imagination. Personally I'd rather have a show with a larger
audience and not make as much than to have a smaller audience and make more

Mordant Productions


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