PghGothList Vol. 130: 9-10

Sc'Eric (aka darkFIN) darkfin6012 at
Sat Feb 25 07:25:17 EST 2006

Alexx Reed, what a perfectly awful and boring ending to a wonderfully  action-packed Friday night/Saturday morning of digest reading! Shame on  you!!! 
  Anyway, some panties have been bunched over some pretty  drama-non-necessitating *stuff*... But I think it's rather cathartic  that some of this is getting aired, even reiterated.  Some great  suggestions and comments on who goes out where and why/not.  And  it does tend to lend credence to Manny's claim that folks don't really  discuss things here unless a flamewar erupts.  
  A question for Manny: I signed up for your official mailing list a  while back.... but I never actually receive any announcements in my  inbox.  Does anything you promote ever get sent out via email, or  do you just post to PghGoth website?  
  ps. thx all for trimming your posts this time 'round!

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