GA misinformations (was Re: triphop, garggggg)

TERROR FIRMA SKY terror_firma_sky at
Fri Feb 24 18:09:03 EST 2006

--- Jeremy David <epistemology at> wrote:

> I think we know that extreme and overwhelming
> elements of chaos is not what most artists are going for most of
> the
> time. And I think it's important to respect the artist's wishes,
> and
> to be a good listener. Part of being a good listener is not
> generating
> noise, be it through heckling a performance, belching in the
> audience
> during a performance, or via architecture.

All good points, Jeremy, and very true. Then again its not like I
mean or believe the snarky elitist comments I make. I'm just trying
to get a reaction and/or some attention. I'm an asshole like that,
but at least I admit to these things unlike most elitists around
these parts. 

You shouldn't have to play in a venue where you think your music
will sound terrible or you feel you will not be treated fairly. I've
never had too much of an issue with the acoustics when seeing a show
at the Artworks, so long as I was near the front of the room. Of
course the loudness of the speakers then becomes an issue for some
people, and I can understand that most people don't have the same
wreckless abadon with their hearing that I do. I just feel that some
things are meant to be loud, and its just not the same effect if
it's not. I kind of feel that what I'm doing to my ears is no
different than what most people I know are doing to their livers.
Still I don't expect people to do something that causes them
discomfort either mentally or physically. 

Unless you are so successful you can pick and choose where you play
for every show, sometimes you have to make the best of wherever
you're at. 

"I just wanted to kick it . . . one time . . . signed, a ghost"

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