GA misinformations (was Re: triphop, garggggg)

TERROR FIRMA SKY terror_firma_sky at
Thu Feb 23 16:14:10 EST 2006

--- Jeremy David <epistemology at> wrote:

> Listening to music in an improper space is like watching a movie
> projected onto a bed sheet billowing in the wind on a clothesline.
> Sure, that might create a kind of a cool effect, but it's hardly
> what
> the person who made the movie intended, and you're going to miss a
> good deal of what's in the film that way. If you like that sort of
> thing, then great, but you can't disagree that there are important
> parts of the presentation that you're not getting the chance to
> evaluate, and that the person who made it wanted something
> different.

Ah, but that's the beautiful nightmare about playing live. Its
always different even when its the same music. 

"I just wanted to kick it . . . one time . . . signed, a ghost"

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