GA misinformations (was Re: triphop, garggggg)

Christopher tm at
Wed Feb 22 13:37:16 EST 2006

On 2/22/06, Jeremy David <epistemology at> wrote:
> On 2/22/06, Ancilla Sea-Maid <ancilla6 at> wrote:

> > Garfield Artworks has ALWAYS had a bathroom. I
> > remember it since the first time I spun there several
> > years ago. it is in the downstairs.
> Eh. I'm sure it did when you were there. But the last time I was
> there, it sure didn't. I havn't bothered to go back.

Since we're slinging shit....

No offense to the Night Shift - who have little to no (read "no")
control over their venue - but the Laga/Upstage potty rooms aren't
necessarily always sparkly clean or in any semblance of working order.
I just make it a point not to hold that against the

Garfield Artworks has at least one restroom and it has been fully
acceptable each and every time that I have been there. - admittedly
not often enough, but there you have it.
C. tm

"Every time I'm on ABC, I crash."
  - Slovenian Ski-Jumper Vinko Bogataj

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