GA misinformations (was Re: triphop, garggggg)

Ancilla Sea-Maid ancilla6 at
Wed Feb 22 11:07:52 EST 2006

ungh. please. this mega bothers me.

Garfield Artworks has ALWAYS had a bathroom. I
remember it since the first time I spun there several
years ago. it is in the downstairs.

also, they currently have snacks/drinks and
whatever.....but they've always *discreetly* been
BYOB. that's not their fault. it is against PA liquor
law to be all upfront about this. 

also, there is a convenience mart a mere skip and a
jump away. they have orange crush in a glass bottle.
ya can't beat that! 

so please don't "avoid the joint" because of some
random misinformation!!!!!!!!!!!

- t

--- j eric townsend <jet at> wrote:

> >The last time I went to a local PGH IDM show, which
> was
> >more than a year ago, the venue in Garfield didn't
> even have a soda
> >machine, or an operating bathroom.
> Names, please, so I can avoid the joint.

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