local electronic acts, an example

Pauline Law electronvolt at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 08:44:54 EST 2006

On 2/22/06, Brian J. Parker <brian.j.parker at gmail.com> wrote:
> You aren't still drinking reds from Australia, are you?  Shiraz is
> about five years behind the curve.  Those of us who've long since
> gotten bored with Yellow Tail were already exploring Chilean varietals
> a couple of years ago.  Of course those really in the know have long
> since moved on to whites (and I don't mean the boring stuff found in
> California)--

crap, i have to resist making a joke about sampling chileans and
whites now. this is not the audience for it, after all.

speaking of alcohol consumption, new game invented by cmu students who
have nothing better to do on saturday nights (not me, i was *busy*) --
edward arbormisthands:

- take 2 bottles of arbor mist and duct tape to hands.
- enjoy.

pauline law
(loves brown people)

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