triphop, old-school goth-rock, IDM, noise, power-tronics, etc....

TERROR FIRMA SKY terror_firma_sky at
Sun Feb 19 13:17:27 EST 2006

--- "Sc'Eric (aka darkFIN)" <darkfin6012 at> wrote:

>   Night Shift should definitely think about doing more downtempo
> stuff  the first hour while folks arrive and get their drink
> on.... Hell,  maybe even kick down the tempo at 1:40 and keep the
> music churning  until 2:20 with more oddball stuff.  (Think of it
> as a way to  POLITELY remind folks that it's time to leave without
> completely  ruining the mood.)  

The first hour is usually things that aren't considered  mainstream
club or dance music. Depending on the DJ it can be anything from
downtempo to idm to powernoise. I'd take a look at some of our
playlists for some examples.

"I just wanted to kick it . . . one time . . . signed, a ghost"

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