tonight at ceremony

Pauline Law electronvolt at
Sat Apr 15 14:04:42 EDT 2006

For a good time, call 617-953-2------ I mean, come out to Ceremony
tonight! Just in case you didn't hear it otherwise, me & Brian Parker
are spinning together.

Here's Brian very kindly tooting my horn on the PGHgoth LJ community:

"...[F]or the half of the night we'll have a special guest DJ,
Pauline. This one is kind of bittersweet, because she's the last guest
we're having before going 21+ in May. Anyway, she's an experienced
radio DJ, did a one-hour early guest spot before, and has really cool
taste, so I hope you'll come give her a listen. I've been getting into
the post-punk revival lately and I expect her to totally school me.

'sides post-punk, I'll be playing new and old deathrock, punk, and
whatever the fuck I want.  Sadly this will be the last time I will
ever spin at Ceremony, or any goth night for that matter, but if purp
in Boston ever brings back Bottlerocket, I might just spin there
again. I <3 scummy Boston Irish pubs.

Flyer's at:

I love you,

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