promote - promote - promote!!!

liesje liz at
Fri Sep 23 09:45:37 EDT 2005

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, Adam Rixey wrote:

> On 9/23/05, Sc'Eric (aka darkFIN) <darkfin6012 at> wrote:
>> (Have the PghGoth folks ever considered switching to a list that supports graphics?  It would GREATLY increase the effectiveness of posts.)
> No it wouldn't.  It would certainly make me unsubscribe, and I'm sure
> I'm not alone.

I agree with Rixeypants. Non-plain text emails would be the worst for 
those of us using pine. (Change is bad!) HTML email makes us oldsters 
grumpy (and the Baby Jesus cry).

Also - hi again. I resubscribed a week or so ago and I know I was out of 
town for three years but only recognizing three posters in a week seems 
ridiculous. What happened? Two sundays have passed since my resub and not 
a single wankathon.

Also part 2 - does anyone have a video camera or two that Arvin and I 
could borrow for something that is a lot less dirty than that sounds?


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