Voices of Masada, et.al

RPD girl rpd_girl at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 20 19:57:06 EDT 2005

I agree, I'll check anything out, but especially if I
see a nice decsription or see thier website/myspace

Although, I have a harder time now doing weekday
shows... not used to getting upa t 6am. >.<
I'd really like to see Psyclon Nine, but after work I
have prenatal exercise class... and then I'm totaly
beat... but I'll try and maybe make it out. at 8?

I also agree about the venue. Garfeild Artworks isn't
in the best area for the younger crowd maybe. I'd love
to open a club, it's the startup money problem. ^_^

I also agree about targeted promotion. (Not to knock
any promoters on this list ^_^*) But it seems like you
have to search out the info on events. What mediums
are used for advertising/promotions? I get my info
from the site. They only thing I saw for the Masada
show was on the door to the Garfeild Artworks (then
again, I might not get out much). Maybe I am not
looking in the right places. ^_^ 

Someone suggested trying a festival of some sort.
Having sponsors might help as well with advertising
costs and whatnot? Who would you guys like to see?


>I guess I'm one of those rare people who will spend
$5 on a show of
bands that I've never seen or heard of before, on a
weeknight even.
However, I am picky about the shows I come out for.
What gets me out of
the house usually is a detailed description of the
bands or at least a
pointer to their Web site, which might even have sound
samples. Manny
is usually very good at including this information in
announcements for
shows. Also, he's good at "if you like this band, you
will like this
other band, too..." 

To get the college crowd, you would need to promote
more heavily in
that area and it would be quite an effort. They are
isolated from "the
scene" here. They have their own scene. Only the most
adventurous kids
are going to seek out the shows at Garfield Artworks
and such. 


And travellers now within that valley, 
Through the red-litten windows, see 
Vast forms that move fantastically 
To a discordant melody; 
While, like a rapid ghastly river, 
Through the pale door, 
A hideous throng rush out forever, 
And laugh --but smile no more.
                 -Edgar Allen Poe
one site to rule them all>> http://www.littlespace.net/

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