Voices of Masada, et.al

Brian J. Parker brian.j.parker at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 08:30:25 EDT 2005

On 9/19/05, The Caped Avenger <cpdavngr at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think people understand that they ARE the scene.

Possibly many kids just aren't really interested in a scene anymore? 
If you grew up with I.M. and cell phones and chat rooms, the social
benefits of a "scene" might not be as big to you.  I'm old fashioned
and like to see people face-to-face, but I was also born just a couple
years too early for the internet to be part of my adolescent

> My suggestion is that there needs to be a new venue in 
> Oakland, somewhere that students can WALK to

I agree that would be aces, but let's not hold out hopes for a venue
that will never come.  Rent in Oakland is prohibitively expensive (for
reasons having to do with state politics that I'll happily rant about
to anyone interested).  And most "kewl" people just don't have their
shit together enough to run a venue anyway; that's WORK, man.

But most students have bus passes, so we need to do our best as far as
outreach, at least in the meantime.


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