ghostly experience DennisCraigLee at
Wed Sep 14 21:30:03 EDT 2005

> 11. Ever seen or felt the presence of a ghost?

I don't believe in ghosts.  But I have no explanation why, when I was
housesitting once, the alarm clock next to the bed flew across the
room at night, waking me up.  Assuming I'd thrown it in my sleep, I
plugged it back in and went back to sleep.  A little while later, as I
was drifting off, it flew across the room again... and I found that
the power cord was wrapped several times around the bedposts at the
foot of the bed.


I asked this because I've had so many experiences with ghosts or 
'otherworldly beings' or whatever you want to call them, that I sometimes wonder if 
they're somehow drawn to me.
My usual reaction after these experiences is to rationalize it away; a trick 
of the light (that little old white haired man in the gray army jacket who 
sits in my attic), the wind (that threw a mop across a room, and played an E 
minor chord on my piano), or some form of technology gone wrong (all the 'ghost in 
the machine' theories). I don't want to start thinking about it as 
'technology gone right', as in government/corporate spying, because I don't care for the 
paranoid feelings; even though the feds actually were out to get me a few 
years back... much longer story, buy the book...
Anybody else have unexplainable phenomena happen to them? Western PA is 
filled with spirits of some kind or another.
- - -Dennis

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