15 questions answered

Brian J. Parker brian.j.parker at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 20:12:11 EDT 2005

On 9/14/05, RPD girl <rpd_girl at yahoo.com> wrote:

> If anyone wants to answers these back, it's cute.
> 11. Ever seen or felt the presence of a ghost?

I don't believe in ghosts.  But I have no explanation why, when I was
housesitting once, the alarm clock next to the bed flew across the
room at night, waking me up.  Assuming I'd thrown it in my sleep, I
plugged it back in and went back to sleep.  A little while later, as I
was drifting off, it flew across the room again... and I found that
the power cord was wrapped several times around the bedposts at the
foot of the bed.


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