Rosetta Stone (was Re: Ysobelle: "...suggestions. Anyone?")

Brian J. Parker beep at
Mon Mar 28 11:10:15 EST 2005

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Jordan Harris wrote:

> Cleopatra is taking a break from championing hair metal to re-release
> Rosetta Stone's Adrenaline, plus Epitome, as a 2-CD set.

...and they threw in most of the material on _Foundation Stones_ too, from
the look of it.  It would have been nice if they'd just made the second
disc _On the Side of Angels_ instead but that's looking a gift horse in
the mouth of me.  If I didn't already have all of that I'd place an order
right now.  Let's hope they also package up _The Tyranny of Inaction_ with
_Hiding In Waiting_ for the new generation.

In celebration I'm going to have to play some Rosetta Stone next time I
DJ.  (Which is April 9, since I haven't started plugging it yet.)


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