Greetings from central-PA...

Sc'Eric (aka darkFIN) darkfin6012 at
Tue Jan 25 09:08:38 EST 2005

Hello from State College!  
Finally re-subscribing after several years off the list... (I finally have an email address that can handle the volumes these lists often generate.)  Hoping to receive updates on shows in the Pgh-area as well as any new businesses and recurring events in western-PA.  
For those on the list who don't know, I also manage the PAdarkAlternative Yahoo! group, for state-wide events and info.  We're always looking for new members, as well as posts from bands and promoters.  Reviews and event-related posts are welcomed!  (Bands and promoters, this is where you get the word out to the largest cross-section of people around PA...!  Think big: there's more people out there than you can hand a flier to... And everyone loves a good excuse for a roadtrip!)
~Sc'Eric (aka darkFIN) 

counter-culture in central-PA

The Lion - 90.7fm
the soundtrack to Penn State  
gothScape -- Tuesdays 
theAbyss -- alt.Thursdays 
 ...part of RPM -- daily (7pm - 9pm)
state-wide dark-alt scene resource

Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

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