louisville goth scene?

manny at telerama.com manny at telerama.com
Tue Nov 23 13:57:30 EST 2004

Never heard of anything even remotely goth coming out of Louisville.
Been on Bardstown Rd three times and never saw a goth (saw punx tho).
Louisville alt-music history is very dominated by the indie/mathrock
legacy (Squirrel Bait / King Kong / Slint / Rodan etc), emo/hardcore
(Initial Records / Krazyfest) and alt-country (Freakwater etc). After all\
this time, though, still very poor scene for all ages shows (an attempt
at a Roboto-like space collapsed, it was too large etc), most shows still
happen in bars. Occasional flashes of experimentation (Artswatch gallery
space) but not much overall. Sad to say in spite its somewhat legendary
indierock status, Pittsburgh has a better overall scene in terms of
bands and radio and places to play etc in almost every genre.

Must be something goth hidden there, though. Maybe there's a website
for it?

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Brian J. Parker wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, idlechic wrote:
> > i've got a friend in louisville, ky, who's been asking me for music
> > recommendations for the past few weeks, and she's decided she likes
> > industrial.  anyone have any idea what the louisville goth scene is
> > like? she's debating going to a club, but she's worried about fitting
> > in, etc. (remember those days?)  i figured i'd see if anyone had any
> > pointers for her.
> It's easy to confuse shy with snooty, frequently a problem in goth clubs.
> Advise her to take a friend if possible and not worry if she can help it.
> If people are looking at her or whatever, it's probably curiosity, not
> disdain.
> B
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