[netgoth] Please Stop Playing Skinny Puppy or We Will Boycott Your Station

Bob Keyes bob at sinister.com
Mon Nov 22 14:41:41 EST 2004

Tell him that because of his letter, you are going to do a Skinny Puppy
marathon and he can listen and get really angry. Also, it would be good to
find out the source of his groups funding and yank its cord.

Funny, the walls of right and left wing censors are crushing me in between
them. I just read the following on the CommunityColo web site, regarding
acceptable use:

Issue: Digital Defamation

Digital Defamation involves online hate speech, unfair bias,
discrimination, and defamation and/or profiling of various minority groups
including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, youth,
the elderly, disabled, racial, ethnic, or religious minorities, and other
traditionally underrepresented groups.

To report an incident of bias, discrimination, or defamation online,
please fill out the Online Incident Report Form.

Here are some resources, including media coverage and links to
organizations and related publications about digital defamation issues.
More general information about other online policy issues is available
from the Issues bar at the top of most pages on this website. For
information on digital defamation directed at a particular community,
choose the relevant community program from the Tabs bar at the top of most
pages of this website.


Is it possible that we can get the right wing nuts and left wings nuts
together in a room and have them kill each other off? I'd donate $10
towards seeing it happen!

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