Electro/Retro guest DJ party

Michael J. Salo salo at rcn.com
Thu May 20 20:23:32 EDT 2004

> > > why is there a *$5* cover on an over-21 DJ night?
> > > there are a lot of DJ nights in Pittsburgh where the cover is
> $3 or less
> if you ("you" in general, that is) are worrying about a $5 vs. $3
> cover charge, then perhaps you should think about staying home and
> saving your money for rent or something important...

This $5 vs $3 cover controversy makes me smile.  This is the kind of thing
that can only be an issue in Pittsburgh.

Anywhere else you get raped from every direction when you go out, and you
learn to accept it.

I still remember how pissed off everybody was back in the earliest days of
Laga, when management dared to raise the cover from zero to $1.

Michael J. Salo

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