speaking of kick-ass bands

Pauline Law plaw at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Mar 25 17:42:03 EST 2004

would anyone be interested in booking a show for THE BRIDES!!! this
summer? i'm not going to be in town, so i probably wouldn't be able to
facilitate wrct sorts of things, but come on, it's the brides! the
awesomest goth band to emerge from the spectral voices of the ether
since... well, ever. they are going to play convergence 10, so i'm sure
that more people will have heard of them by the summer and maybe want to
come from a bit further away to see them...

they're going on tour july and august and they would just love to stop by.
well, at least corey says he would really like to, on the condition that
you are a person who has a good place and doesn't make you play in their
uncle's basement or play for $13 and a 1/2 of a can of Bud Dry.

get in touch with me and i'll have their people talk to your people!


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