The World is closing

Joel Young joel at
Fri Jul 2 12:17:56 EDT 2004

On Jul 2, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Adam Rixey wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 09:22:28 -0400 (EDT), Brian J. Parker
> <beep at> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2 Jul 2004, Joel Young wrote:
>>>> Though now Bravo's showing past seasons of West Wing and I'm missing
>>>> them. Grumble.
>>> That's what BitTorrent is for, heh.
>> Yeah, if you don't mind theft of intellectual property.
> Netflix is also a good option.

Netflix is an excellent option, I would say. You'll probably waste a 
lot less time looking for stuff that way, anyway. So I guess it depends 
on whether you have a conscience and/or value your time highly.

I don't actually use either Netflix or BitTorrent, since I prefer going 
to the theater or renting from the local indie video shop and making a 
social event out of it. TV just doesn't generally seem worth the time 
investment, even for the better shows like West Wing. (I've been known 
to make some exceptions, when opportunities arise. The accursed glass 
eye follows me wherever I go....) All this discussion over piracy and 
deciding whether something is worth paying for has made me realize that 
there are usually much better things to do than watch TV. For example, 
rehash years-old arguments on a mailing list!

Joel Young
<joel at>

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