80's night playlist? (not a Lou-zer)

The Danger-Boi boundseraph at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 13 16:01:57 EST 2004

--- deeann mikula hartmann <deeann at d33ann.com> wrote:

> i know a lot of people have dissed lou, but he's a
> really great guy.
> (i've know him for aeons!)  he's playing to the
> crowd, and the crowd
> doesn't want to think about the music on thursdays,
> they want to drink
> some beer and dance off their stress and laugh their
> asses off.

I've gotta agree here.  I moved up from Atlanta,
actually for the *reason* of taking a hiatus from
spinning.  Before I did, I tried to get ahold of the
locals and get aquainted.

The response wasn't exactly overwhelming.  (Hold on to
your spears, I'm not taking shots.  I know how things
are when it comes to introductions from strangers.)

Flash-forward to my first 80's night, where somehow I
ended up chatting things up behind the booth with Lou
for the better part of an hour.  A *great* friendly
guy, and he seems to honestly do his level best to
make everyone happy, which doesn't always include a
huge variation to your playlist every week.  I'd say 7
out of ten of my requests he's always played.

But yes, 80's night is mostly a chance to stumble
about making an absolute ass of yourself while
watching everyone else do the same, or simply dancing
your ass off to everything you wanted to 15-odd years

IMHO, one of the best things going up here.




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