[ot] community dance classes

Chris Mattick CMattick at klettrooney.com
Mon Jan 5 13:57:39 EST 2004

There's this place called Helios Arts on the cusp of Oakland/Shadyside/Bloomfield. I hear they have the best ballet teachers in all of Appalachia.

Oh, yeah, I'm a little biased, seeing as how I own the joint.

Christopher T. Mattick

Klett Rooney Lieber & Schorling
A Professional Corporation

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>>> Pauline Law <plaw at andrew.cmu.edu> 01/05/04 01:56PM >>>
can anyone tell me if pittsburgh ballet theatre is a good place to take
ballet classes? and if not, where would you recommend[1]?

i'm not looking to choreograph or perform or, uh, expand creatively in any
shape or form; i just want to build muscle strength the old-fashioned way.
i'm also not a complete beginner to ballet, but it's been awhile (~8
years) since i took any ballet classes, although i have studied other
styles of dance as recently as last may.


[1] note that i'm aware that cmu offers ballet.
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