did you ever hear about...

Pauline Law plaw at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Feb 1 17:40:41 EST 2004

having poked around orkut.com for the past half hour due to being bored at
work, i wondered if anyone had ever heard of/signed up for (heehee)  the
gothic sex exchange? (i guess he's kind of) a friend of mine runs it.  i
should really get an account with a fake identity to see which tarts i
know have signed up for it. and then mercilessly make fun of them.

the promo/introductory note he wrote for it reads:

Welcome to the Gothic Sex Exchange. While hippies talk free love,
love-ins, and the liberating power of sexuality, we goths don't fall for
that rubbish. We understand that alienation and being alone is our natural
state. Sex is not about liberation, it is medication. It is the quest for
dull the pain that is life's bitter angst.

This site is not to find meaningful relationships. As there are no
meaningful relationships. Relationships are an illusion! In the end they
only cause you more drama and pain. This site is about lustful but
meaningless sex. All we want is another to help ease our pain for a few

To use this site you need to be 18 years of age or older and have a valid
email address. It is also helpful if you have a picture of yourself in JPG
format, enough creativeity to come up with a catchy title, and can write a
paragraph or two describing yourself in a way that sounds appealing. The
desire to lose yourself in an empty sexual encounter with someone new is

This site works a bit differently than other personal sites. You don't
send or recieve message from people. What would be the point it is all
lies anyhow. This is the industrial approach to sexuality. Just select the
people you find desireable and click on the link labeled, "nice boots." If
the person you selected also selects you you will both recieve an email
letting you know of your mutual desires. Otherwise you will only hear the
silence that the universe customarily responds to our cries with.

[1] No the author of this site is not really that bitter. But he is even
more cynical. You see this is about marketing, and I can't very well
market to goths if I talk about rainbows and people smiling now can I?

(case sensitive, no dirty pictures but ymmv as to worksafe-ness.)

heeheehee. dorks are great.

(but that doesn't necessarily mean i'd sleep with them.)

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