this goth-friendly show appears worth checking out

Pauline Law plaw at
Thu Apr 1 17:02:21 EST 2004

On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Rickness wrote:

> Where is this place and is it accessable by bus?  It sounds very spiffily
> interesting.

it is at the mattress factory (which is apparently the us's #1 space for
installation art) in the north side.   you should definitely endeavor to
visit during their normal hours - they have really interesting

it is bus accessible - i don't exactly know how to get there by bus
myself, but i remember i took the 54c from oakland and then followed
someone blindly.  the best bet, i think, would be to call them and ask -
the number is 412.231.3169.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pauline Law" <plaw at>

> > the butchershop quartet, from chicago, are playing at mattress factory on
> > sunday evening at 7pm. the performance is six dollars.

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