I'm not sure if this is permitted.

deeann mikula hartmann goth at d33ann.com
Sat Sep 27 20:23:35 EDT 2003

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Rick, wandering fallen angel wrote:

> I'm doing a broadcast
> It has some goth industrial and some other stuff.
> If anyone's bored, tune
> http://www.live365.com/stations/niqua
> there's automated music, and there are some good live365.com stations.
> So, tune in damnit :)
> If this is spam, sorry, just send me a private moderation email, and I'll
> never post my station or shows I'm doing again.

no way.  with the limited amount of traffic on this list, posting
about a radio show or your band's gig or other g/i related stuff is
within the charter, i'm sure.  (unless you hog wild and are posting
song lyrics and your bad poetry every day!)

rock on, good luck with your show!

deeann mikula hartmann

"the limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
   --ludwig wittgenstein, tractatus logico-hilosophicus

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