i'm moving to canada asap, kthx

deeann mikula hartmann goth at d33ann.com
Fri Oct 17 11:23:43 EDT 2003

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, B wrote:

> This all has nothing to do with Carlton, who may be a lucid, spiritual,
> intelligent woman who just didn't express herself very clearly there.  I
> don't know her.  I'm just venting some frustrations about new age
> charlatans and lazy spirituality (ha, like those are new problems in the
> world).

well, it's not just "new age" religions that are getting a bad rap
from publicity of a few fools that are vocal and sending the wrong
message about their religion.  christians, jews, and muslims are
currently having that same problem.  not all christians are out there
hating gays and blowing up abortion clinics, not all jews are driving
tanks through settlements, and certainly not all muslims are planning
the overthrow of the infidel americans.

deeann mikula hartmann

"the limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
   --ludwig wittgenstein, tractatus logico-hilosophicus

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