what i'm doing on thursday...

Christy christy at spookee.net
Tue Oct 14 14:36:22 EDT 2003

> On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Christy Sawyer wrote:
> > all ages in every scene, blah etc stuff. I'm all about "mixing it 
up with
> > the kids", just as long as they're not obsessed with sneaking into 
the bar.
> > Those kids suck so hard.
> Sneak schmeak - they're getting outright blatant about it.
> I've worked as a bouncer a few times recently at Ceremony when the 
> has been short-staffed, and the crap I saw in just a few weeks made me
> annoyed by "the kids" even more.

I remember getting stopped in the bathroom by idiots asking me if they 
could *lick my hand*. This is so they could transfer a version of the 
stamp onto their hand. Eeeooo!!! Who in their right mind would even 
want to lick a stranger's hand?  And from a logistical standpoint, why 
wouldn't they use the sink instead of their tongue? 


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