Outlook/Pine (was RE: what i'm doing on thursday...)

B beep at telerama.com
Tue Oct 14 13:29:21 EDT 2003

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Mike Yacht wrote:

> -Nog (who really wishes outlook could format replies like unix
> mailers...)

If (like me at work) you're forced to use it, you can kind of get the
Pine-style quoting.  In O2k, Tools --> Options --> Preferences --> Email
Options; in the "On replies and forwards" section.  It linebreaks in funny
places, though.

It is little-known that there is a port of Pine for the PC, if you prefer
that.  It does IMAP and everything if I recall correctly.  Though if I
were forced to use a PC mail client I'd definitely look into Pegasus Mail,
which I remember loving five years ago...

I'm lucky, Telerama (plug from a satisfied customer not on their payroll)
gives me a shell.  You have to ask to get a "real" Unix shell, though,
rather than a menu-driven one.  (Though menu-driven may be fine for your

brian j. parker
dj, geek, & black-clad cliche

dj badtz  .  http://blackbadtz.lm.com  .  all that is wrong about music

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